Who We Are

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi is a national Jewish sorority founded October 1, 1998 at the University of California, Davis. The purpose of the organization is to promote unity, support, and a Jewish awareness, as well as to provide a Jewish experience for ourselves, our members, and the community as a whole.

SAEPi exists because it is vitally important for female collegians to understand that an inclusive space in which they can celebrate Jewish values and awareness is critical to their personal and professional development during their college years.

Built on the values of unity, trust, strength, sincere sisterhood, and the exemplification of all Jewish Values, SAEPi uses traditional teachings of Judaism — such as tikkun olam, tzedakah, and chesed — to build engaged and compassionate citizens of the world. SAEPi is an inclusive sorority and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or handicap. 

SAEPi LOVES supporting the Jewish teens of today, and the SAEPi sisters of tomorrow. Fill out this form to stay in touch so we can welcome you home when you head to college.